Author Archives: aprilconyers

About aprilconyers

Tech PR Pro @BrewPR, Cali girl living in the Big Apple, obsessed with Anthropologie and all things French. Following me on Twitter - @april_conyers.

30 Things to do Before I’m 30


When I was younger, I always thought I would be in a certain stage of life by 30. Though where I am was not my “dream” at 21, it’s still pretty fabulous.

I’m now a day away from my 365 day count down to 30. Starting Saturday, July 24, I will have a year to complete the following. I will keep my avid readers (the two of you) posted on my success!

30. Obtain a NY, NY address (Will be complete August 1st!)
29. See Lady Gaga in concert
28. Make 30 new friends
27. Fully furnish my apartment
26. Find a favorite restaurant in every neighborhood in NYC
25. SDC (Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO for those of you don’t know)
24. Go on a date with someone from California*
23. Find a hobby (suggestions welcomed)
22. Purchase a Marc Jacobs handbag
21. Go on a date with someone from New York*
20. Workout at least four days a week
19. Hang with my buddy Reed (and his mom:))
18. Figure out how to invest money
17. Purchase a dress from Ambiance in person
16. Obtain a pair of Christian Louboutins
15. Finish Anna Karenina
14. Go on a date with someone from Europe*
13. See Garth Brooks in concert (Vegas with Candace)
12. See my SF girlfriends!
11. Attend a New York City Ballet performance
10. Find an opportunity to volunteer
9. Take a class at The Broadway Dance Center
8. Keep my closet organized
7. Obtain ‘love letter’ sheets
6. Go on a date with someone from South America*
5. Find a church I can call home in NYC
4. Lose 15 pounds
3. Take a weekend trip to the Caribbean
2. Watch the sunset on Santorini
1. Savor being 29

*These are challenges from my sister

Happy Birthday Little Sister!

Today is my sister’s 25 th birthday!

What an exciting year you have she has in store! At 25, she’s accomplished so much. Good job, great husband, fantastic friends and now a new house! I’m so proud of her and I look forward to what the next year brings.

I’m sure its going to be awesome!

Love you, Kiss!

Moving on…


It was brought to my attention that I don’t blog enough…

So I thought I would share the latest to my audience of three that read my blog on a regualr basis. Well, a lot has happened since my last random post. I took a new job and I’m moving back to New York. It’s a little crazy, for sure, but I’m really excited about the new opportunity.

Not sure where I’m going to live yet when I get there, but I’m sure will all work out. I’m now just trying to figure out what to do with my stuff….there is so much that goes into a cross country move. Its a good thing that I’ve done this a couple times already.

Thoughts that are Far from Deep


It’s Sunday night, I’m catching up on some DVR and thought I’d post some thoughts.

  • Today was beautiful! Why is it when the weather is nice, all I can think about is what I need to buy? Why can’t I ever have no money fun?
  • I had brunch today with some girlfriends. I am so thankful for good friends (and good food)!
  • I decided to change the name of my blog. Since I wear designer jeans more than I have deep thoughts, I thought the title change was appropriate.
  • For example, I get the jingle from the ‘My Buddy’ commercial stuck in my head on a fairly regular basis, and that is far from deep.
  • I’m kind of embarrassed that I just shared that with the world.
  • I got to spend some time with some of my new co-workers last week and I’m really enjoying them. It’s been fun getting to know new people.
  • I’m heading to Utah in a couple of weeks to see Michael Buble. I am still a little broken hearted that he is engaged.
  • We just had an assessment at boot camp and I’m happy to say that my strength and endurance has improved so much! I have six weeks left, its time to kick it into full gear.
  • I think I’m ready to switch to the iPhone. I think I’ve finally made the decision. I’ve been going back and forth between the iPhone and Blackberry.
  • Right now my cat is staring at me, I find it a little creepy sometimes.
  • My downstairs neighbor is singing at the top of her lungs, this happens on a pretty frequent basis. She’s not just singing for fun, she is performing.
Ok, that’s about all for tonight. Thanks for reading!

Getting Romped


So last night I was reminded of just how old I am. 

I’m going to my friend Tina’s 30th birthday party tomorrow, so I thought it would be fun to pick up a new top for the occasion. I ran into Forever 21 because usually I can find a cute “going out” top for not a ton of money. I went into the store, which is so full of stuff that I didn’t know where to start.
As I was looking through the racks, I stumbled upon a blue satin strapless romper. For my readers that don’t know what a romper is, its its a one piece short outfit. According to Wikipedia, rompers are worn by children (and sometimes women). So I picked it up, laughed at it and then put it back. And then I thought, what the heck, I’ll give it a try. I grabbed that with a few other pieces and made my way to the dressing room. 
Saving the satin one piece for last, I tried the tops on and none were worth purchasing. And then it was time, time to try on the romper. I put it on and zipped it up. First can I say, that Forever 21’s clothes are made for teenagers, so sometimes they don’t really fit me. In this moment, I felt good. I had it zipped and it looked pretty good. So, good in fact, I thought about bringing it home with me. Then ten minutes later I hung it back up, because really what am I going to do with a romper!?!

Goodbye 00s, Looking Forward to the Next Decade!


As 2009 ends, its hard not to reflect back on the last year and relive the good and the bad. Since its the end of the decade as well, it makes me think about the last ten years and be amazed at how much I’ve done and where I’ve been. To be honest, I’m thankful that 2009 is over and that we’re about to start anew, but I am also thankful for the experience that I’ve had in the last year and have to be thankful of what I’ve learned over the the last year, as well as the last ten years. Basically, its all about the people that are around you as you are going through life.

Ten years ago, I found myself living in Utah and starting college. I wasn’t happy about moving to Utah, but as I got involved with a church and began to meet people It became one of my favorite places. The relationships that I made while I was there have been some of the most important in my life. I learned so much about myself and my faith the five years I was in Utah.

After college, I moved to New York City which will be on my list of the craziest things I’ve ever done. I went without knowing a soul. It was a big city to be alone in and though it was hard, I was determined to fit in and make the best out of where I was. I succeeded and spent the next few years living life as a New Yorker and having a blast. I became independant and started to build a career. I also met some fabulous people, who I miss dearly and will always be a part of my life. My work girlfriends helped me feel like I fit in, my roomies in Hoboken made my life so much fun and my small group kept me grounded and focused on Christ. I was so lucky to have all of them in my life.

To end the 00’s, I returned to California. San Francisco has always been one of my favorite cities, so I thought I would give it a try. Transfering with the company I was working with in New York, I movede out west and started to build a new life here. I have to say in hindsight, that its been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I love everything about the west coast. I’ve made some great friends and love the diversity of SF.

Also, since moving back, I’ve been able to reconnect with some great friends that I’ve known the majority of my life. Its amazing how great having old friends in your life can be. Laughing about the past and talking about the future. So fun!

So back to 2009 – this year has had a lot of lows, but its also had a lot of good moments too. My sister got married, which was such a great event! My best friend had a baby, he is so awesome and I wish I lived closer so I could spend more time with him! Lastly, I started a new job at the end of this year, which so far has been great. I’m excited to see where 2010 takes me and what new adventures the next ten years will bring.

Happy New Year friends! May 2010 bring you nothing but peace and happiness!

Let the Transformation Begin!


I’ve decided that 2010 will be the year I get into shape. Its been a while, but with the new job, it just seems natural to implement other new activities into my life. So, I started a three week holiday boot camp right after Thanksgiving and will continue for six months beginning in January.

I have one class to go of this first three week session and much like a Jillian Michaels video, this last week has been tough. The first two weren’t so bad but this last week has really taken a lot of effort. I’ve been made aware of many muscles that I’ve forgotten that I had.

My instructor loves lunges. I’ve done more lunges in the last couple weeks, then I think I’ve done in my entire life. I also have been made fun of in class for being graceful when we were doing some across the floor exercises. I can’t help it if I float across the floor, its all the years of ballet, but I’m glad my class had a laugh. 🙂

Stay tuned for more boot camp updates – I’m sure I’ll have much to talk about over the next few months!

Top Ten Holiday Movies, As Said By Me


10. Meet Me in St. Louis
9. Elf

8. Scrooged
7. Mickey’s Christmas Carol
6. Love Actually
5. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
4. A Christmas Story
3. Charlie Brown Christmas
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated)
1. White Christmas

It is hard to narrow it down to just ten, but there you have it – my take on Christmas masterpieces. I may be the only person on Earth who doesn’t put Its a Wonderful Life on their top ten holiday movie list. I don’t know what it is, I just don’t love that movie.

What movies are on your list?

My Reasons to be Thankful….


* Family – I have the best family in the world. My parents are so supportive and are always there for me whenever I need them. My sister is my best friend and the person that I can talk to about anything.

*New Job – Great way to end the year! I’m now working at It’s a fun new chapter of life. I look forward to the coming year and growing with this exciting company.

*Friends – My friends are AMAZING! Throughout this year, they have been so great and supportive. Always there to listen to me and make me feel better. We laugh together, cry together and have so much fun together!

*Faith – My faith continues to grow and I’m constantly growing closer to the Lord. I learned this year, how to really wait on God and trust that He will provide.

*Reconnecting – I’ve reconnected with many old friends in the past few months. My ten-year reunion kind of freaked me out this year, but it allowed me to catch up with so many friends that I was so close to when I was a kid. It’s been a blast and I look forward to continuing to grow those relationships.

*Boot Camp! – I have the opportunity to be a part of a new gym. I will be going through six months of a personal training boot camp. I am so excited and so thankful that I know the trainer and am sure I’m going to get my a** kicked!

I think it’s important to reflect on blessings and be thankful for what you are given. I would love to know what you’re thankful for?